Please Consider Giving

Mary House does not receive government funding. We are run entirely on donations and grants, and we accomplish our service and our mission through the generosity of people like you. Making a donation through our secure server is fast and easy, and when we receive your donation, we will send you an acknowledgement in the mail for tax purposes. Donations to Mary House can also be made by sending a check to the address listed on our Contact page.
Click here to donate online >>
Please note:  We use a nonprofit service to process our credit card transactions. GIVEDIRECT is the name that will appear on your credit card statement - not Mary House. Using a 3rd party helps us keep our costs low and allows us to spend more time and money on our program.
If you are unable to provide a direct monetary donation, we would love any donation of items that can be used as part of our support programs.
Donations are accepted at our office address (1005 Bunker Hill Road NE, Washington, DC 20017) anytime Monday through Thursday from 10am- 2:30pm. Please email us at if you are interested in donating items. Here are items were are currently accepting for donation:
Food and Resource Program
  • Canned goods and other non-perishables
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Storage containers
Around the holidays, we are always looking for extra donations!
Every year, Mary House organizes a Food Drive for Thanksgiving, providing up to 50 families with food for their Thanksgiving meals. We would greatly appreciate any donations of food or gift cards to grocery stores around this time. 

In December, Mary House works to ensure that all of our families are "adopted" by a generous family in our community. Typically, these families buy presents for every member in the family they would like to adopt.

If you are interested in helping provide a Thanksgiving meal or adopting a family for the holidays, please contact us at

If you would like to donate monetarily, please send checks, money orders, etc. to the following address: 4303 13th St NE Washington, DC 20017

Our CFC number is 33369